
“Putting the care back in healthcare


Public Health, Advocacy, Sex Education, Media Literacy

Comprehensive Health Education for All

Health education - including sex ed - should be comprehensive. It should be taught in more than just schools. This crucial, life changing information needs to be given in doctors offices and other places where people go to get their health needs met. It sounds like a no-brainer, but health education is not consistent, and when it does happen it is often lacking in quality.

Curiosity & Creativity

When we share our writing, our stories, we can create more productive conversations about health. Writing is one of the most powerful forms of expression to be used for positive change. I write in order to advocate for better health practices, access, and outcomes for all.

Contact was created by Brianna Halek in 2017

She has a B.A. in psychology, is Community Health Worker trained, and is a songwriter

You can contact her at

Connecticut, USA